
Branding og storytelling

Finansielle kriser

Danish Design


CV og referencer



Per H. Hansen




CV Per H. Hansen
Professor of Business History

Curriculum Vitae


Professor, dr.phil. Per H. Hansen

Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy

Copenhagen Business School

Porcelænshaven 18 A, 3. sal.

DK-2000 Frederiksberg


(e-mail:, mobile: +45 3034 1462, office: +45 3815 3214)



-          1996, dr.phil., economic history, University of Southern Denmark

-          1990, cand.phil. (MA) in History, University of Southern Denmark and University of Copenhagen

-          1989, supplementary degree in business economics, University of Copenhagen

-          1983, High School degree (studentereksamen)

-          1977, clerk, Municipality of Odense



-          Spring 2009 and 2011, Adjunct Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University

-          August 2002-present, Professor of Business History, Copenhagen Business School

-          Feb 2002-July 2002, Professor of Modern Danish History, University of Southern Denmark

-          1994-2002, Associate Professor of Economic History, University of Southern Denmark

-          1993-1994, Senior Research Fellow, Department of History, University of Southern Denmark

-          1990-1993, Ph.D. student (kandidatstipendiat), Dept. of History, University of Southern Denmark

-          1977-1980, Clerk – Social Worker, Municipality of Odense


Visiting scholarships

-          2010-present, Visiting Fellow, Center for the Evolution of Global Business and Institutions, The Management School at York University

-          January-August 2009, Stern School of Business, New York University

-          August-December 2005, Harvard Business School

-          August 2004-July 2005, Institute of European Studies, UC Berkeley

-          March 2004, Institute for Research in Economic History, Stockholm School of Economics

-          July 1997-January 2008, Center for Monetary and Financial History, Rutgers University


Grants and Awards

-          2010, Recipient of the FUHU Research Dissemination Prize, DKK 40,000 ($7,200)

-          2009, The Carlsberg Foundation, DKK 200,000 ($40,000) for project on Central Bank Cooperation

-          2009, Nationalbanken, DKK 100,000 ($20.000) for project on Central Bank Cooperation

-          2008, Winner of the Newcomen Article Prize

-          2004, Danske Bank, DKK 150,000 ($30,000) for research project on banking history

-          2005, Harvard Business School, $ 7,000 for Outstanding Scholarship

-          2004, Hedorfs Fond, DKK 60,000 ($12,000) travel grant

-          2004, Otto Mønsteds Fond, DKK 30,000, travel grant

-          1999, Danish Ministry of Culture), DKK 1 million ($200,000) for digitization of history journals

-          Recipient of the Fyens Stiftstidende Research Prize, 1997


Editorial boards and professional organizations

-          2010-2013, Member of the Oxford Journals Article Prize Committee, BHC

-          March 24-25, 2010, teacher at the Oxford Journals Doctoral Colloquium, Athens, GA

-          2010-present, Member of the editorial board of Enterprise & Society

-          2009-present , Member of the editorial board of Business History

-          2008-present , Member of the Council of the European Business History Association

-          2007-present , Member of the DBA Advisory Board at CBS

-          2006-present , Member of the editorial board of Management and Organizational History

-          2005-08, Trustee of the Business History Conference, USA

-          2004-present, Member of the editorial board of Business History Review, Harvard Business School

-          2008-present, Member of the editorial board of the SSRN e-journal, History of Finance, 2008-

-          2002-2006, External examiner for the MA programme in history at Danish universities


Research dissemination, lectures and presentations etc.

-          2009, Key note speaker “Mind and Matter- Nordik”, Conference for Art Historians on “Danish Design: Brand and National Image”

-          2009-present, regular columnist at Weekendavisen

-          2008-2010, VIP Blogger at www.bø

-          Invited lectures at UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Stockholm School of Economics, Harvard Business School, Frankfurt University, Toulouse University, Rutgers University, Stern School of Business, Handelshøjskolen BI

-          Commentator, chair and discussant at +30 international conferences

-          Referee for Business History, Scandinavian Economic History Review, Academy of Management, Enterprise & Society, Financial History Review, Business History Review


Administrative work

-          2010-2011, Member of the EBHA Organizing Committee, for the 2011 Conference on Business, Finance and the State in 20th Century Europe, Athens, August 24-26, 2011

-          2010-2011, Member of the Oxford Journals Articles Prize Committee for the best article in Enterprise & Society, BHC 2011

-          2009-2012, Member of the “History group” of the Bibliometric Research Indicator, The Danish Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation

-          2008-2009, Member of the Nominating Committee, Business History Conference

-          2006, Member of the Hagley Prize Committee (USA) for the best book in Business History 2006

-          2006, Co-Organizer of 10th European Business History Association’s conference, Copenhagen

-          2000-2002, Director of the history program, University of Southern Denmark

-          1999-2000, Project Leader, Digitization of Historical Journals, Funded by the Ministry of Culture

-          1996-2000, Member of the board of the Institute of History and Western Civilization, SDU

-          1996-2000, Member of the Humanities Faculty board at University of Southern Denmark

-          1996-2000, Member of the financial committee on the Humanities Faculty board at SDU


Committees and Supervision

-          Member of several committees for full, associate and assistant professorships, ph.d. dissertations in Norway, Sweden and Denmark

-          Referee for positions for full professorships and associate professorships in the UK and the USA

-          Supervisor for ca 25 master’s theses at University of Southern Denmark, and ca. 25 master’s theses at CBS.

-          Supervisor for five past, and current ph.d. students


Research Interests

-          Financial history – especially cultural and sociological approaches

-          History of Danish Design, material culture, consumption

-          Branding, Nation Branding, Identity and Image

-          Theory and methods of history


Current Research Projects

-          Central Bank Cooperation during the 1931 international financial crisis (book project)

-          Branding and marketing Denmark in the US, 1945-2000 (article)

-          Scandinavian Banking in the Interwar Years

List of Publications



1)      På glidebanen til den bitre ende. Dansk bankvæsen i krise, 1920-1933, (On Route to Disaster. Danish Banking in Crisis, 1920-1933) diss., Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag 1996, pp. 496.

2)      Den Danske Bank, Viby: Forlaget Centrum 1997, pp. 674 (with Søren Mørch).

3)      Da sparekassernes mistede deres uskyld. En historie om sparekasser og samfund i opbrud, 1965-1990, (When the savings banks lost their innocence. A history of savings banks and society under change) Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag 2001, pp. 339

4)      Dansk Møbelguide. Moderne danske møbelklassikere. (Danish Furniture Guide. Modern Danish Furniture Classics). Aschehougs Forlag 2003 (with Klaus Petersen)

5)      250 Danske Designmøbler, (250 pieces of Danish Designed Furniture). Aschehougs Forlag 2004 (with Klaus Petersen).

6)       Den store danske Møbelguide, (The Comprehensive Guide to Modern Danish Furniture) Aschehoug 2005 (with Klaus Petersen).

7)       Da danske møbler blev moderne. Historien om dansk møbeldesigns storhedstid. Syddansk Universitetsforlag/Aschehoug 2006, pp. 644.

8)       Moderne dansk møbeldesign. Historie, tendenser og hammerslag. Bruun Rasmussen Publishing and Gyldendal 2007 (with Klaus Petersen)

9)       Finn Juhl og hans hus.Gyldendal 2009.

10)    Danish Modern. The Golden Age of Danish Furniture Design. Submitted for review at University of Washington Press, August 2010.


Edited Books

1)      European Business, Dictatorship and Political Risk: 1920-1945. Berghahn Books, New York 2004 (edited with Chris Kobrak).

2)      Anvendt historie. En bog om og til historikeren Søren Mørch. (Applied history. A book about and to the historian Søren Mørch), København: Gyldendal 2003, pp. 278 (with Rasmus Dahlberg).

3)      Historiefagets teoretiske udfordring. (The Theoretical Challenge to History), Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2004, pp. 245 (with Jeppe Nevers)

4)      A Special Issue on Scandals and Panics. Business History Review, Volume 83, issue 1, Spring 2009 (co-edited with Walter Friedman and Geoffrey Jones)

5)      Danske erhvervsledere – 1870-2000. (Danish Business Leaders, 1870-2000) (with Kurt Jacobsen), to be published by University Press of Southern Denmark in 2011.



1)      "PC'en og historien" (The PC and History), in Fortid og Nutid, 1988:4, pp. 257-71.

2)      Fyens Disconto Kasse, 1846-1886. En undersøgelse af bankens kreditformidling med særligt henblik på industriens finansiering (Discount Bank of Funen, 1846-1886. An Investigation of the Bank's Credit Intermediation to Industrial Firms), Master's thesis, Odense University, 1989.

3)      "Brød og Roser. Tekstilarbejderstrejken i Lawrence, Massa­­chusetts 1912" (Bread and Roses. The Textile Workers Strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts 1912), in Arbejderhistorie, 33, 1989, pp. 31-50.

4)      "Fyens Disconto Kasse, 1846-1886: Passiv- og aktiv­for­ret­ninger" (Discount Bank of Funen, 1846-1886: Liabilities and Assets), in Erhvervshistorisk Årbog, vol. 39, 1989, pp. 98-137.

5)      "Banking Crises and Bank Regulation: Denmark in the Interwar period", Business History Unit: Papers in Business History, vol. 8. Banks and Customers. Report from the BHU International Conference 1991, (London School of Economics and Political Science), pp. 1-20.  (Also published in "Det nye pengesamfunnet. Research on Banking, Capital and Society. Report no. 60, The Research Council of Norway, Oslo 1994, pp. 27)

6)      "From Growth to Crisis. The Danish Banking System from 1850 to the Interwar Years", in Scandinavian Economic History Review, 1991:3, pp. 20-40. (Also published in Persson, Karl Gunnar (ed.), The Economic Development of Denmark and Norway since 1870, London: Edward Elgar 1993).

7)      Det danske finansielle system ca. 1850-1992, (The Danish Financial System, 1850-1992) in Det nye pengesamfunnet. Research on Banking, Capital and Society. Report no. 53, The Research Council of Norway, Oslo 1994 (in cooperation with Hans Chr. Johansen).

8)      "The Evolution of Universal Banking and Banking Crises: The Danish Case", in 20th Century Universal Banking: International Comparisons. Report from the International Conference Budapest, 2-5 September 1992. Vol. II. (Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Department of Economic History), pp. 1-29.

9)      "Production versus Currency: the Lender of Last Resort Policy of the Danish Central Bank in the Banking Crisis of the 1920s", in Teichova, A., Gourvish, Pogány, A. (eds.), Universal Banking in Twentieth Century Europe. Finance, Industry and the State in North and Central Europe, London: Edward Elgar Publishing 1994, pp. 59-76.

10)   "Banking crises and lenders of last resort. Denmark in the 1920s and the 1990s", in Cassis, Y.; Feldman, G. and Olsson, U. (eds.): The Evolution of Financial Institutions and Markets in Twentieth-Century Europe, Aldershot: Scolar Press 1995, pp. 20-46.

11)   "Banker og økonomisk udvikling. Fyens Disconto Kasse som universalbank" (Banks and Economic Development. The Discount Bank of Funen as a Universal Bank), in Folk og erhverv. Tilegnet Hans Chr. Johansen, Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag 1995, pp. 181-200.

12)   "Modgang eller fremgang? Industriens forhold under besættelsen" (For Better or Worse: The Danish Industry during the Occupation), in Besættelsen i perspektiv, Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag 1995, pp. 73-103.

13)   "Historisk Økonomi - Økonomisk Historie. En indledning" (Historical Economics - Economic History. An Introduction), in Den jyske Historiker, vol. 73, 1996, pp. 5-10 (in cooperation with Nils Arne Sørensen).

14)   "Dansk økonomi under besættelsen. Ved vi nok?" (The Danish Economy During the Occupation. Do we know enough?), in Den jyske Historiker, vol. 73, 1996, pp. 33-54.

15)   ”Walter Bagehot og Centralbankens rolle som Lender of Last Resort”, in Historie, 1996:2. pp. 4.

16)   "The Danish Economy During War and Occupation", in Overy, R.J.; Gerhard Otto and J.H. ten Cate Die Neuordning Europas. NS-Wirtsschaftspolitik in den besetzten Gebeten. Berlin: Metropol Verlag 1997, pp. 63-81.

17)   "Bankredninger i Danmark – en stabil tradition” (Bail out of Danish Banks – a Stable Tradition), in Andersen, T. and K. Ronit, Den danske banksektor - mellem tradition og forandring, (the Danish banking system - between tradition and change), Århus: Forlaget Systime 1998, pp. 39-77.

18)   ”Bank Regulation in Denmark from 1880 to World War II: Public Interests or Private Interests”, in Business History, Vol. 43, No. 1 (January 2001), pp. 43-68.

19)   "Kommentar" (Comment on Ragnhild Lundstrøm, Bank, industri, utlandsaffärer. Stockholms Enskilda Bank, 1910-1924, Stockholm 1999), in Lindgren, H. (ed.), Stockholms Enskilda Bank, 1856-1971. Ny kunskap, ny forståelse, Nordisk symposium ved Handelshøgskolen i Stockholm den 22. September 1999, Forskningsrapport nr. 12, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, Institutet för Ekonomisk Historisk Forskning, 1999, pp. 39-49.

20)   "The Danish Savings Banks Association and the Deregulation of the Savings Banks, 1965-1975", in Kuijlaars, A-M., K. Prudon and J. Visser (eds.), Business and Society. Entrepreneurs, Politics and Networks in a Historical Perspective, Rotterdam 2000, pp. 219-36.

21)   Articles for Gads Leksikon om dansk besættelsestid, Gads Forlag 2002 on: "Clearingkonto", p. 83, "Ekstraordinære industrileverancer", pp. 121-22, "Industrien", pp. 235-38, "Odel-udvalget", p. 357, "Værnemagere", pp. 498-500, "Værnemagtskonto", pp. 506-7, "Økonomisk udvikling", pp. 518-22,

22)   "Business as Usual? The Danish Economy and Business During the German Occupation", in James, H. and J. Tanner (eds.), Enterprise in the Period of Fascism, Ashgate, Aldershot 2002, pp. 115-43.

23)   Bo rigtigt! Møbelklassikerne, boligen og den gode smag, (Live correct! Danish modern Furniture Classics, the house and the good taste), Center for History, University of Southern Denmark 2002.

24)   ”Virksomhedshistorie og den sproglige vending – kan vi bruge den?”, (Business History and the Linguistic Turn - is it of any use?) Erhvervshistorisk Årbog 2002, Århus 2003, pp. 7-31.

25)   "Universitetsundervisningen, systemfejlen og Søren Mørch" (University teaching, the system failure and Søren Mørch), Hansen, Per H. og Rasmus Dahlberg (red.), Anvendt historie. En bog om og til historikeren Søren Mørch, København: Gyldendal 2003, pp. 87-113.

26)   "Preface." In Kobrak, Chris and Per H. Hansen, European Business, Dictatorship and Political Risk: 1920-1945. Berghahn Books: New York 2004, pp. ix-xiv (with Chris Kobrak). 

27)   "Business, Political Risk and Historians in the Twentieth Century." In Kobrak, Chris and Per H. Hansen, European Business, Dictatorship and Political Risk: 1920-1945. Berghahn Books: New York 2004, pp. 3-21 (with Chris Kobrak and Christopher Kopper).

28)   "En teoretisk udfordring til historikerne?" (A Theoretical Challenge to Historians?) in Hansen, Per H. and Jeppe Nevers, Historiefagets teoretiske udfordring. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2004, pp. 9-20 (with Jeppe Nevers).

29)   "Efterskrift - overvejelser om mit fag." (Postscript - considerations about my discipline) in Hansen, Per H. and Jeppe Nevers, Historiefagets teoretiske udfordring. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2004, pp. 233-45.

30)   "Writing business history without an archive. Newspapers as sources for business history - possibilities and limitations" in Gadd, C.J., Granér, S. and Jonsson, S. (eds.), Markets and Embeddedness. Göteborg: School of Economics and Commercial Law 2004, pp. 99-120.

31)   "Hvad blev der af økonomisk historie?" Rubicon, 13:1, april 2005, pp. 4-17.

32)   “Dealing with the Problem of Business and German Hegemony. Closing remarks.” Joachim Lund (ed.), European Business under German Domination, Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, 2006, pp. 187-200.

33)   “Narratives, Networks and the Conquest of New Markets. A New Interpretation of the Rise and Decline of Danish Modern Furniture Design, 1930-1970”, Business History Review Fall 2006, pp. 449-83.

34)   “Organizational Culture and Organizational Change: A Narrative analysis of the Transformation of Savings Banks in Denmark, 1965-1990”, Enterprise & Society, Vol. 8, no. 4, 2007, pp. 920-53
(Winner of the Newcomen Article Prize for the best article in Enterprise & Society, 2007)

35)   “Co-Branding Product and Nation: Danish Modern Furniture and Denmark in the United States, 1940-1970“, in Duguid, Paul & Teresa da Silva Lopes (eds.), Trademarks, Brands and Competitiveness, Routledge, 2010

36)   “Finanskrisen. Hvem har skylden?” Ræson, no. 4, November 2008, pp. 62-65

37)   ”Statsintervention efter finanskrisen”, Kritik, no. 190, 2008, pp. 15-25

38)   ”Introduction”, in “A Special Issue on Scandals and Panics”. Business History Review, Volume 83, issue 1, Spring 2009, pp. 1-7.

39)   “Finansielle krisers efterspil i (Danmarks)historien, 1857-1930”, Samfundsøkonomen, nummer 1, 2010, pp. 23-28.

40)   ”Cooperate or Free-Ride? The Scandinavian Central Banks, Bank for International Settlements, and the Austrian Financial Crisis of 1931.” In review, June 2010

41)   “Making Sense of Financial Crisis and Scandal. A Danish Bank Failure in the Era of Finance Capitalism.” Submitted for review, December 2010

42)   “Finansernes Napoleon. Emil Glückstadt, 1875-1923”, Hansen, Per H. og Kurt Jacobsen (red.), Danske Erhvervsledere, 1870-1910, Forthcoming, University Press of Southern Denmark 2011, pp. 111-127.

43)   ”Enhver erhvervsmand har jo trangen til vækst i sig. Samtale med Poul Svanholm 29. oktober 2010.” (med Kurt Jacobsen), Hansen, Per H. og Kurt Jacobsen (red.), Danske Erhvervsledere, 1870-1910, Forthcoming, University Press of Southern Denmark 2011, pp. 327-342.



I have reviewed books for Business history, Business History Review, Financial History Review, Nyt fra Historien, Historisk Tidsskrift and Historie.

Newspaper articles etc.

-          "Danmarks første bank er Danmarks største bank", Den Danske Bank. Aktionærnyt, nr. 1, september 1990, pp. 3-5

-          ”Bankkriser”, Berlingske Tidende, Erhverv, p. 10, den 4. august 1992

-          ”En højst ubehagelig situation” Siden Saxo, nr. 4, 1992, pp. 44-49

-          ”Når banker går i sort”, Jyllands-Posten, Midtpunkt, den 11. november 1993

-          ”Fyens Disconto Kasse”, Fyens Stiftstidende, Kronikken, den 14. december 1996

-          ”Universiteterne optager alt for mange”, Jyllands-Posten, Midtpunkt, den 16. september 1998

-          "Er det videnskab?", Rubicon, nr. 2 1999, Center for Historie, Odense Universitet

-          ”Intet nyt under solen. Pengenes historie fra byttemiddel til Internetbetaling”, Alt om Data, nr. 10, 1999, pp. 90-3

-          ”Centralbankens spejderløfte”, Fyens Stiftstidende, Kronikken, den 8. oktober 1999

-          ”For smed at rette bager – ansvar og moral i Hafnia-sagen”, Finansfokus, nr. 4, 1999, pp. 3-7

-          "De fem fede år", Berlingske Tidende, Kronikken, den 23. december 1999

-          "Nyt historiestudium? Nogle fragmentariske bemærkninger." Rubicon, Juli 2000, pp. 12-15.

-          "Fortiden, den store historie og fortællingen." Fyens Stiftstidende, Kronikken, den 15. juni 2001 (med Liv Egholm)

-          ”Historien om møbelklassikerne.” Danske Møbler, nr. 10, 2002, pp. 18-19

-          ”Danish Design og tidløse møbelklassikere - retro eller avantgarde?”, Kronik i Politiken, den 7. marts 2003.  

-          "Velfærd som ren regneøvelse." I Politiken, den 6. oktober 2003.

-          "Fjenden er tradition, ikke globalisering." Kronik i Information, den 10. november 2003.

-          "Dansk møbeldesign i knibe." Synspunkt i Berlingske Tidende, Business, den 2. juni 2004

-          ”Danish Detective: A question of desire. Professor wants to understand U.S. enthusiasm for his countyr’s designs.” San Francisco Chronicle, January 5, 2005

-          ”Eliteuniversiteter – hvem skal nu betale?” Synspunkt i Berlingske Tidende, Business, den 18. januar 2006

-          ”Har vi råd til eliteuniversiteter?”, Dobbeltinterview med Helge Sander, DJØF-Bladet, den 9. maj 2006.

-          ”Virksomhedshistorie – et nødvendigt fag.” Synspunkt i Berlingske Tidende, Business, den 10. maj 2006

-          ”Hvad skal Danmark leve af?” Synspunkt i Berlingske Tidende, Business, den 30. august 2006

-          ”Opfindelser er ikke innovation” Synspunkt i Berlingske Tidende, Business, den 25. oktober 2006

-          ”Vi kan ikke leve af produktudvikling” Interview i Ingeniøren. Produktpris 2006, nr. 47, 24/11 2006, pp. 58-63.

-          ”Hvis Danmark er en kage” Synspunkt i Berlingske Tidende, Business, den 17. januar 2007

-          ”Hvad blev der af det danske brand?” Synspunkt i Berlingske Tidende, Business, den 9. maj 2007

-          ”Dansk møbeldesign. Fra svare til grim ælling og tilbage igen”, Auktionsliv. Bruun Rasmussen Kulturmagasin, nr. 11, 2007-08, pp. 8-13 (med Klaus Petersen)

-          ”Fra umoderne til klassiker”, Berlingske Tidende, Magasin, 21. oktober 2007 (med Klaus Petersen)

-          Pernille Steensgaard, ”Ikoner på briksen”, interview med Per H. Hansen, Weekendavisen, 26. oktober 2007

-          ”Må banker krakke?” Synspunkt i Berlingske Tidende, Business, den 18. juli 2008

-          ”Når brands kommer i krise”, Synspunkt i Berlingske Tidende, Business, den 24. juli 2008

-          ”Finansfyrsternes guldfeber”, Anmeldelse, Weekendavisen, Bøger, den 6. marts 2009

-          ”Når fortællinger bliver facts”, Klumme, Weekendavisen, Ideer, den 24. april 2009

-          ”Gruppetænking i Wall Street”, Klumme, Weekendavisen, Ideer, den 3. juli 2009

-          ”Smart men dumt”, Anmeldelse, Weekendavisen, Ideer, den 17. juli 2009

-          ”Fri os fra forkerte forbrugere”, Weekendavisen, Ideer, den 18. september 2009

-          ”En skæv verden”, Weekendavisen, Ideer, den 27. november 2009

-          ”Bonusdrømme. Hvor blev det store opgør af?”, Politiken, 27. december 2009.

-          ””Politikere og centralbanker har ingen plads i verden.””, Weekendavisen, Ideer, den 12. februar 2010

-          ”Apropos iPad: Teknonationalisme.” Weekendavisen, Ideer, 23. April 2010

-          “Markedet, Gud og naturen”, Weekendavisen, Ideer, 2. juli 2010

-          ”Når det bliver i familien”, Weekendavisen, Ideer, 27. august 2010

-          ”Tre erfaringer klogere”, Weekendavisen, Ideer, 12. november 2010


Over the years I have also been interviewed for Danish national television and radio stations such as TV2, DR1, DR2, Deadline, P1 Orientering etc. as well as several newspapers and magazines including Venture, Ingeniøren, Berlingske Tidende, Politiken, DJØF-Bladet, San